
This package provides utilities for comparing and editing image headers.


For questions or comments please see our github page. We encourage and appreciate user feedback.

Most of these notebooks rely on basic knowledge of the Astropy FITS I/O module. If you are unfamiliar with this module please see the Astropy FITS I/O user documentation before using this documentation.

Many of the headers tasks can be replaced with utilities in astropy, as seen below.



Please review the Notes section above before running any examples in this notebook

The hdiff task will take two FITS headers and report the differences between them. This functionality has been replaced and improved upon in astropy with the class, which can be easily called with the printdiff convenience function. For more details on a more advanced differ result using directly, see the API doc.

# Astronomy Specific Imports
from import fits
from import printdiff
from astroquery.mast import Observations
# Download test file using astroquery, this only needs to be run once
# and can be skipped if using your own data.
# Astroquery will only download file if not already present.
obsid = '2004615006'
obsid = '2004663553'
INFO: Found cached file ./mastDownload/HST/ICZGS3YGQ/iczgs3ygq_flt.fits with expected size 16534080. [astroquery.query]
INFO: Found cached file ./mastDownload/HST/JCZGX1PPQ/jczgx1ppq_flc.fits with expected size 167964480. [astroquery.query]
Table length=1
Local PathStatusMessageURL
file1 = './mastDownload/HST/ICZGS3YGQ/iczgs3ygq_flt.fits'
file2 = './mastDownload/HST/JCZGX1PPQ/jczgx1ppq_flc.fits'

# printdiff example ignoring HISTORY and COMMENT cards, and only extension 0
printdiff(file1, file2, ext=0, ignore_keywords=('HISTORY', 'COMMENT'))
Headers contain differences:
  Headers have different number of cards:
   a: 225
   b: 242
  Extra keyword 'ANG_SIDE' in a: 0.0
  Extra keyword 'BIACFILE' in a: 'N/A'
  Extra keyword 'CCDOFSAB' in a: 190
  Extra keyword 'CCDOFSCD' in a: 190
  Extra keyword 'CSMID'  in a: 'IR'
  Extra keyword 'DWELL_LN' in a: 0
  Extra keyword 'DWELL_TM' in a: 0.0
  Extra keyword 'FILTER' in a: 'F140W'
  Extra keyword 'MYKEY1' in a: 5
  Extra keyword 'NLINCORR' in a: 'COMPLETE'
  Extra keyword 'NLINFILE' in a: 'iref$u1k1727mi_lin.fits'
  Extra keyword 'NO_LINES' in a: 0
  Extra keyword 'NSAMP'  in a: 14
  Extra keyword 'PHOTBW' in a: 1132.39
  Extra keyword 'PHOTFLAM' in a: 1.4737148e-20
  Extra keyword 'PHOTFNU' in a: 9.5291135e-08
  Extra keyword 'PHOTMODE' in a: 'WFC3 IR F140W'
  Extra keyword 'PHOTPLAM' in a: 13922.907
  Extra keyword 'PHOTZPT' in a: -21.1
  Extra keyword 'SAACRMAP' in a: 'N/A'
  Extra keyword 'SAA_DARK' in a: 'N/A'
  Extra keyword 'SAA_EXIT' in a: '2016.015:05:44:00'
  Extra keyword 'SAA_TIME' in a: 3808
  Extra keyword 'SAMPZERO' in a: 2.911756
  Extra keyword 'SAMP_SEQ' in a: 'SPARS50'
  Extra keyword 'SCAN_ANG' in a: 0.0
  Extra keyword 'SCAN_COR' in a: 'C'
  Extra keyword 'SCAN_LEN' in a: 0.0
  Extra keyword 'SCAN_RAT' in a: 0.0
  Extra keyword 'SCAN_TYP' in a: 'N'
  Extra keyword 'SCAN_WID' in a: 0.0
  Extra keyword 'SUBTYPE' in a: 'FULLIMAG'
  Extra keyword 'UNITCORR' in a: 'COMPLETE'
  Extra keyword 'ZOFFCORR' in a: 'COMPLETE'
  Extra keyword 'ZSIGCORR' in a: 'COMPLETE'
  Extra keyword 'ATODCORR' in b: 'OMIT'
  Extra keyword 'BIASCORR' in b: 'COMPLETE'
  Extra keyword 'CCDOFSTA' in b: 1
  Extra keyword 'CCDOFSTB' in b: 1
  Extra keyword 'CCDOFSTC' in b: 1
  Extra keyword 'CCDOFSTD' in b: 1
  Extra keyword 'CFLTFILE' in b: 'N/A'
  Extra keyword 'CRSPLIT' in b: 1
  Extra keyword 'CTEDATE0' in b: 52334.86
  Extra keyword 'CTEDATE1' in b: 57710.4460102
  Extra keyword 'CTEDIR' in b: 'NONE'
  Extra keyword 'CTEIMAGE' in b: 'NONE'
  Extra keyword 'CTE_NAME' in b: 'PixelCTE 2017'
  Extra keyword 'CTE_VER' in b: '1.2'
  Extra keyword 'DARKTIME' in b: 581.247202
  Extra keyword 'EXPSCORR' in b: 'COMPLETE'
  Extra keyword 'FILTER1' in b: 'CLEAR1L'
  Extra keyword 'FILTER2' in b: 'F814W'
  Extra keyword 'FIXROCR' in b: 1
  Extra keyword 'FLASHCUR' in b: 'OFF'
  Extra keyword 'FLASHDUR' in b: 0.0
  Extra keyword 'FLASHSTA' in b: 'NOT PERFORMED'
  Extra keyword 'FLSHCORR' in b: 'OMIT'
  Extra keyword 'FW1ERROR' in b: False
  Extra keyword 'FW1OFFST' in b: 0
  Extra keyword 'FW2ERROR' in b: False
  Extra keyword 'FW2OFFST' in b: 0
  Extra keyword 'FWSERROR' in b: False
  Extra keyword 'FWSOFFST' in b: 0
  Extra keyword 'JWROTYPE' in b: 'DS_int'
  Extra keyword 'LRFWAVE' in b: 0.0
  Extra keyword 'MLINTAB' in b: 'N/A'
  Extra keyword 'PCTECORR' in b: 'COMPLETE'
  Extra keyword 'PCTEFRAC' in b: 0.9937865427707
  Extra keyword 'PCTENFOR' in b: 5
  Extra keyword 'PCTENPAR' in b: 7
  Extra keyword 'PCTERNOI' in b: 4.3
  Extra keyword 'PCTETLEN' in b: 60
  Extra keyword 'PCTETRSH' in b: -10.0
  Extra keyword 'PHOTTAB' in b: 'N/A'
  Extra keyword 'SHADCORR' in b: 'OMIT'
  Extra keyword 'SHADFILE' in b: 'N/A'
  Extra keyword 'SHUTRPOS' in b: 'A'
  Extra keyword 'SINKCORR' in b: 'COMPLETE'
  Extra keyword 'SPOTTAB' in b: 'N/A'
  Extra keyword 'STATFLAG' in b: False
  Extra keyword 'WRTERR' in b: True
  Inconsistent duplicates of keyword ''      :
   Occurs 19 time(s) in a, 17 times in (b)
  Keyword         [8] has different values:
      ?                                 ------------
      ?        ++++++++
  Keyword         [9] has different values:
     a>       / POST-SAA DARK KEYWORDS
  Keyword         [10] has different values:
     a>       / SCAN KEYWORDS
  Keyword         [11] has different values:
  Keyword         [12] has different values:
     b>       / OTFR KEYWORDS
  Keyword         [13] has different values:
     b>       / PATTERN KEYWORDS
  Keyword         [14] has different values:
     b>       / POST FLASH  PARAMETERS
  Keyword         [15] has different values:
     a>       / OTFR KEYWORDS
  Keyword         [16] has different values:
     a>       / PATTERN KEYWORDS
  Keyword         [17] has different values:
  Keyword APERTURE has different values:
     a> IR-FIX
     b> WFCENTER
  Keyword ASN_ID   has different values:
     a> NONE
     b> JCZGX1020
  Keyword ASN_MTYP has different values:
     b> EXP-DTH
  Keyword ASN_TAB  has different values:
     a> NONE
     b> jczgx1020_asn.fits
  Keyword ATODGNA  has different values:
     a> 2.3399999
     b> 2.02
  Keyword ATODGNB  has different values:
     a> 2.3699999
     b> 1.886
  Keyword ATODGNC  has different values:
     a> 2.3099999
     b> 2.017
  Keyword ATODGND  has different values:
     a> 2.3800001
     b> 2.0109999
  Keyword ATODTAB  has different comments:
     b> analog to digital correction file
  Keyword BIASFILE has different values:
     a> N/A
     b> jref$1541940gj_bia.fits
  Keyword BIASFILE has different comments:
     b> bias image file name
  Keyword BIASLEVA has different values:
     a> 0.0
     b> 4221.167
  Keyword BIASLEVB has different values:
     a> 0.0
     b> 4029.7478
  Keyword BIASLEVC has different values:
     a> 0.0
     b> 4441.6987
  Keyword BIASLEVD has different values:
     a> 0.0
     b> 4631.4839
  Keyword BITPIX   has different comments:
     b> number of bits per data pixel
  Keyword BLEVCORR has different comments:
     a> subtract bias level computed from ref pixels
      ?                                    ^^^^ ^^^^
     b> subtract bias level computed from overscan img
      ?                                   +++ ^^^^^ ^^
  Keyword BPIXTAB  has different values:
     a> iref$y711520di_bpx.fits
     b> jref$t3n1116nj_bpx.fits
  Keyword CAL_VER  has different values:
     a> 3.3(28-Jan-2016)
     b> 9.2.0 (01-Jun-2017)
  Keyword CAL_VER  has different comments:
     a> CALWF3 code version
      ?    ^^^
     b> CALACS code version
      ?    ^^^
  Keyword CCDGAIN  has different values:
     a> 2.5
     b> 2.0
  Keyword CCDTAB   has different values:
     a> iref$t2c16200i_ccd.fits
     b> jref$xa81715gj_ccd.fits
  Keyword CCDTAB   has different comments:
     a> detector calibration parameters
      ? ^^^^^^^^
     b> CCD calibration parameters
      ? ^^^
  Keyword CRCORR   has different values:
     a> COMPLETE
     b> OMIT
  Keyword CRCORR   has different comments:
     a> identify cosmic ray hits
     b> combine observations to reject cosmic rays
  Keyword CRDS_CTX has different values:
     a> hst_0478.pmap
      ?      ^^^
     b> hst_0592.pmap
      ?      ^^^
  Keyword CRDS_VER has different values:
     a> 7.0.1, opus_2016.1-universal, af27872
     b> 7.1.5, 7.1.5, 3548bc1
  Keyword CRREJTAB has different values:
     a> iref$u6a1748ri_crr.fits
     b> N/A
  Keyword CSYS_VER has different values:
     a> hstdp-2016.1
      ?          ^ ^
     b> hstdp-2017.3
      ?          ^ ^
  Keyword D2IMFILE has different values:
     a> N/A
     b> jref$02c1450oj_d2i.fits
  Keyword D2IMFILE has different comments:
     b> Column Correction Reference File
  Keyword DARKFILE has different values:
     a> iref$xag19296i_drk.fits
     b> jref$19k1602ij_drk.fits
  Keyword DATE     has different values:
     a> 2016-09-21
     b> 2017-12-03
  Keyword DATE-OBS has different values:
     a> 2016-01-15
      ?       -  ^
     b> 2016-10-16
      ?      +   ^
  Keyword DEC_TARG has different values:
     a> 48.92264646942
     b> 65.84194444444
  Keyword DETECTOR has different values:
     a> IR
     b> WFC
  Keyword DETECTOR has different comments:
     a> detector in use: UVIS or IR
     b> detector in use: WFC, HRC, or SBC
  Keyword DGEOFILE has different values:
     a> N/A
     b> jref$qbu16429j_dxy.fits
  Keyword DISTNAME has different values:
     a> iczgs3ygq_w3m18525i-NOMODEL-NOMODEL
     b> jczgx1ppq_11d1433lj-02c1450rj-02c1450oj
  Keyword DRIZCORR has different values:
     a> COMPLETE
     b> PERFORM
  Keyword DRKCFILE has different values:
     a> N/A
     b> jref$19k15450j_dkc.fits
  Keyword DRKCFILE has different comments:
     b> De-trailed Dark Reference File
  Keyword EXPEND   has different values:
     a> 57402.29030181
     b> 57677.05173856
  Keyword EXPSTART has different values:
     a> 57402.28332292
     b> 57677.04503644
  Keyword EXPTIME  has different values:
     a> 602.937317
     b> 578.0
  Keyword FILENAME has different values:
     a> iczgs3ygq_flt.fits
     b> jczgx1ppq_flc.fits
  Keyword FLSHFILE has different comments:
     b> post flash correction file name
  Keyword IDCTAB   has different values:
     a> iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
     b> jref$11d1433lj_idc.fits
  Keyword IMPHTTAB has different values:
     a> iref$wbj1825ri_imp.fits
     b> jref$08b18470j_imp.fits
  Keyword INSTRUME has different values:
     a> WFC3
     b> ACS
  Keyword LINENUM  has different values:
     a> S3.008
     b> X1.009
  Keyword MDRIZTAB has different values:
     a> iref$ubi1853pi_mdz.fits
     b> jref$16r12191j_mdz.fits
  Keyword MOONANGL has different values:
     a> 57.153374
     b> 92.141869
  Keyword NAXIS    has different comments:
     b> number of data axes
  Keyword NEXTEND  has different values:
     a> 6
     b> 15
  Keyword NPOLFILE has different values:
     a> N/A
     b> jref$02c1450rj_npl.fits
  Keyword NPOLFILE has different comments:
     b> Non-polynomial Offsets Reference File
  Keyword OBSMODE  has different values:
     b> ACCUM
  Keyword OPUS_VER has different values:
     a> HSTDP 2016_1a
      ?          ^ ^^
     b> HSTDP 2017_3
      ?          ^ ^
  Keyword ORIGIN   has different comments:
     b> FITS file originator
  Keyword OSCNTAB  has different values:
     a> iref$q911321mi_osc.fits
     b> jref$17717071j_osc.fits
  Keyword OSCNTAB  has different comments:
     a> detector overscan table
     b> CCD overscan table
  Keyword PA_V3    has different values:
     a> 282.776093
     b> 88.003448
  Keyword PCTETAB  has different values:
     a> N/A
     b> jref$19i16323j_cte.fits
  Keyword PCTETAB  has different comments:
     b> CTE Correction Table
  Keyword PFLTFILE has different values:
     a> iref$uc721143i_pfl.fits
     b> jref$qb12257pj_pfl.fits
  Keyword PROCTIME has different values:
     a> 57652.2953588
     b> 58090.39077546
  Keyword PROPAPER has different values:
     b> WFCENTER
  Keyword PYWCSVER has different values:
     a> 1.2.1
     b> 1.3.3
  Keyword RA_TARG  has different values:
     a> 36.85374208875
     b> 127.7389583333
  Keyword READNSEA has different values:
     a> 20.200001
     b> 4.3499999
  Keyword READNSEB has different values:
     a> 19.799999
     b> 3.75
  Keyword READNSEC has different values:
     a> 19.9
     b> 4.0500002
  Keyword READNSED has different values:
     a> 20.1
     b> 5.0500002
  Keyword ROOTNAME has different values:
     a> iczgs3ygq
     b> jczgx1ppq
  Keyword RPTCORR  has different comments:
     a> combine individual repeat observations
      ? ^^^^^^^
     b> add individual repeat observations
      ? ^^^
  Keyword SIPNAME  has different values:
     a> iczgs3ygq_w3m18525i
     b> jczgx1ppq_11d1433lj
  Keyword SNKCFILE has different values:
     a> N/A
     b> jref$16q1417cj_snk.fits
  Keyword SNKCFILE has different comments:
     b> Map of sink pixels
  Keyword SUNANGLE has different values:
     a> 112.720184
     b> 91.557938
  Keyword SUN_ALT  has different values:
     a> 3.227515
     b> 54.863163
  Keyword TARGNAME has different values:
     a> ANY
     b> ACO-665
  Keyword TIME-OBS has different values:
     a> 06:47:59
     b> 01:04:51
  Keyword UPWCSVER has different values:
     b> 1.3.2


Please review the Notes section above before running any examples in this notebook

The stfhistory task will read history information from a text file and add it to an image header. Here we will show how to do this with a FITS file using Python’s built in i/o functionality and the package.

# Standard Imports
import shutil

# Astronomy Specific Imports
from import fits
from astroquery.mast import Observations
# Download test file using astroquery, this only needs to be run once
# and can be skipped if using your own data.
# Astroquery will only download file if not already present.
obsid = '2004663553'
INFO: Found cached file ./mastDownload/HST/JCZGX1PPQ/jczgx1ppq_flc.fits with expected size 167964480. [astroquery.query]
Table length=1
Local PathStatusMessageURL
# open our text file and fits file objects, we're going to make a copy of a fits file, and edit the copy
my_file = open('../data/history_info.txt', 'r')
test_data ='stfhist_copy.fits', mode='update')

# loop through lines in text file and write to fits file
# here we add the HISTORY lines to the zeroth header
for line in my_file:

# make sure to close your files after the edits are done

Not Replacing

  • eheader - Interactively edit an image header. Deprecated.
  • groupmod - GEIS header editing. Deprecated, for FITS header editing see images.imutil.hedit
  • hcheck - see images.imutil.hselect
  • iminfo - see images.imutil.imheader
  • upreffile - Update calibration reference files names in image headers. See crds package